MMB 4.0 - New Transitions, Page Curl, Fire - 14 cool new Bitmap Effects (menu Effects), Water, Impresionists, Warp, Bump.... - Matrix Object - VR Panorama Object - Dynamic FX MMB 3.3 - Page Transitions - Embedded MIDI and MOD - Embedded external files MMB 3.2 - Text-To-Speech support - MP3 List Support - Printing - Temporary install TTF fonts - E-cards MMB Version 3.1 New: -Print Text Function -Page Import/Export -Bitmap Button has new option 'Auto-Button' This allows you to create bitmap button only from one Image. The button will have look and feel like Text Button but with a bitmap. -Video Object has the option to load MPEG, VideoDisc or MOV - using MCI - this saves some writing in script for MCI. -OctaMed sound support (*.med). Thsi is the first from upomming mod formats. -OpenFile command and internal added. This allows you to pop-up Open File dialog For Example: OpenFile("MPEG files |*.mpg||","*.mpg") Then you can use the (the same way like you were using ). So for example for MCI you can use: MCICommand("play ") -VolumeUp and VolumeDown commands were added -Custom Shape window: The B/W Mask option was added allowing you to create any shape even with holes -The candy See Through was added. This will turn the background of project transparent and then you can cast shadow on desktop or make fully semitransparent window. However it has some limitation. -Cover Windows taks bar in Full Screen background option. Fix: -The final fix for the 32 bit 1 pixel shift on 32 bit adapters -Nasty bug crashing applications containing few mbd project -,, for second parameter in Run command or Run program action. -Random Generator each time you start app will have different seed. -In ScriptTimer and ExitTimer you can use variable instead of time -Return Key close the project -Esc or Return stops the video 01/Oct/98 MMB Version 3.0 - Animated gif support - embedded wave - midi - smaller players - Script Object - new script functions - MCI command - allows you to play MPEG, Video Disc, DVD... - Full Screen Background - Stretched image on background - Kiosk mode - disable Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Alt-Del... - Keyboard shortcuts in MMB - for - next loop - script timer function - many other improvements 15/Sept/98 MMB version 2.02 - Copy-paste of nested groups bug fixed - Check for lost objects added in Page menu - related to the Copy-paste bug 14/Sept/98 MMB version 2.01 - RunMBD command fixed - Name Arrays (Example: Image[a] will be translated into Image1 if a=1 - this can save an if - end commands) 01/Sep/98 MMB MP3 version 2.0 - Full MP3 Support - Script language - Global Variables - New cool effects - Always on the top option - In Place testing - Better Object list 05/AUG/98 MMB 1.3 New Object - Paragraph Text Paragraph text with word wrap and scroll bar. Master page and Master Top Layer This is very important feature if you have project with many pages. You don’t want to copy all the common objects to all pages, do you? Instead of this you can put the common objects to the Master Page or Master Top Layer. What is the difference? Master Page - will appear as a bottom layer on each page. The objects on the page will appear all the time on the top of the objects from Master Page. This is great to put your artwork here. Sure you can put also interactive objects here, but you must be sure other objects on pages will not cover them. Master Top Layer - will appear as a top layer on each page. The objects on the page will be behind the Master Top Layer objects. This is great for active objects like menus, buttons, windows, etc... CD Audio or Mixed-Mode CD support. This is for those who wish to write their own CD-ROM and have access to a recordable CD drive. In ver 1.3 each page can play different audio track from the CD. Great for the Mixed-mode custom CD - on track 1 you have your programs, mmb player and data and on other track you can put audio songs. Objects can play Tracks from CD Audio In the Sounds Actions you can write into the On Click box commands for CD Audio: CD:2 - will play second track CD:STOP - Stop Playing CD:PLAY - Play CD:PAUSE - Pause CD:FW - play next song CD:BW - play prev. song CD:PLP - Play/Pause You can easy create simple CD player now. (see CDAudio.mbd sample) Selection preview. If you are interested how the objects you selected look like - the Selection view is for you. To open/close selection view click on long button on the bottom part of Object List. In the preview you can see hidden objects, groups and much more. If you have heavy graphics and you think it is slowing down the designer - switch the preview off! (It goes into the groups etc... so it may slow down the designer a bit.) Stand Alone compiler is now part of the designer. In the Exteral Comands and page actions - The "Minimize" item was added.